›DAD‹ objectives and principles
The ›DAD‹ data-update-service provides as a link between
manufacturer/supplier and and dealer/food service consultant the
close in-time gathering, preparing, updating and distribution
of technical planning data as well as grafic-, price- and product-
information in a standardised format.
The ›DAD‹ data-update-service pursues teh following principles:
1. Continuity
The update-service is provided continously, online 'via FTP' for installation
downloadable by the ›DAD‹ user, or alternatively if needed by distribution
of 4 ›DAD‹ DVDs per year. Hereby a regular and in-time data-updating is
guaranteed. The agreement for ›DAD‹ data-usage is concluded for a
minimum period of one year.
Alternatively single ›DAD‹ DVDs may be ordered.
2. Integration
The integraion of the data and the finalising of one standardised format
is carried out by the ›DAD‹ data-update-service. Because of lack of
information concerning e.g.technical data or because of delays in
receiving the information a difference between the validity dates of the
pricelists and the publication date in DAD are possible. An in-time
update ist targeted and mostly this can be attained. By the FTP-update
intermediate update independent from the ›DAD‹ DVD can be obtained
directly after the data has been finalised at SWS.
3. ›DAD‹ Data-topicality
By regular contacts with DAD-manufacturers and ›DAD‹ users an in-time
knowledge about product-changes and -developements can be assured.
But there are no sanction-mechanisms in order to obligate manufacturers
to keep the data up-to-date in time. This means that similar to print media
all technical and price information is valid subject to changes and errors.
The correctness and validity of the data cannot be guranteed.
4. Personal responsibility
Every ›DAD‹ user has the possibility, to use the ›DAD‹ Data-Installation
completely or partially or to keep outdated data for his own purposes.
Hence the ›DAD‹ has no automatism to assure
By an obligatory update the topicality of the database.
5. Agreement for usage of ›DAD‹ data
The usage of the ›DAD‹ data is arranged in the scope of the agreement for
usage of ›DAD‹ data (PDF-download). In order to make use of the
›DAD‹ 2 specimen of the agreement for usage of ›DAD‹ data have to be
countersigned and send to SWS. The use of the DAD assumes the payment
of an annual ›DAD‹-fee.
6. ›DAD‹ Cooperation
The DAD-dataintegration and care of article data of the manufacturer
is carried out in the scope of the ›DAD-agreement of cooperation‹.
The DAD-cooperation partner pays an initial amount to have the data
inegrated into the DAD-database. The amount is depending on quantity
and quality of the article-range. The annual data-care is covered by an
annual fee. Depending on quantity and quality of the articles the volume
is about 15 – 25% of the initial data integration costs (The data-care
does not include a complete overhaul in case of new data-series).
The ›DAD‹-data.-care fee covers the general ›DAD‹-costs and the normal
›DAD‹-data-care for a fixed maximum quantity of hours spend on the data-care.