›DAD‹ features
Information for dealers
and consultants
Information for 
›DAD‹ History
›DAD‹ Info-Line

›DAD‹ Info-Line (German)

The ›DAD‹-Info-Line is dispatched every 3 months together with the
latest ›DAD‹-DVD to all ›DAD‹-users.
The 4-pages-leaflet in format of DIN A4 informs about updates and
changes on the latest ›DAD‹-DVD-update. In the column ›DAD‹-
databases the changes in the manufacturer-databases are shown
in an overview. Moreover the ›DAD‹-Info-Line informs about news,
dates and activities at WinDelta®PMS and ›DAD‹.
The product forum inside the ›DAD‹-Info-Line informs in detail about
new manufacturer-products.
In the column TIPP/hint users get a hint to WinDelta PMS programme

›DAD‹ Info-Line I | 2025 as PDF
›DAD‹ Info-Line IV | 2024 as PDF
›DAD‹ Info-Line III | 2024 as PDF
›DAD‹ Info-Line II | 2024 as PDF
›DAD‹ Info-Line I | 2024 as PDF

List (German) of in DAD available DAD-database-groups at the moment:

›DAD‹ database-groups-list I | 2025 as PDF

Logo-list of manufacturers cooperating with DAD at the moment:

›DAD‹ manufacturers-logo-list I | 2025 as PDF