
Areas of application
The WinDelta Projekt-Management-System comprises the complete project handling, from 3D-planning and perspectives and consulting with the corresponding quotation to the realisation of the project with 2-dimensional organisation- and installationplans, including the required legends and article specifications.
Consulting With 3D-perspectives investors can be convinced of your project ideas. The involved clients can better follow your arguments about workflow. With energylists and precise cost-calculations alternative plans can be simulated and the interested client can compare alternative concepts and understand your professional design competence.
With WinDelta®PMS project of almost any size can be planned in two- and three-dimensions. The planning of the catering equipment is based on the article database of various manufacturers, which can be searched by matchcode, article-code, classification or type. The database includes the complete range of catering equipment, from slicers to coffeemachines, from refrigeration to cooking equipment. Almost 85% of the database is with 3D-models. Thereby perspecitves of any position inside the plan can give the client a new dimension of catering equipment planing and improve the involvement of the client into the planning process.
With the wall-function the groundplan can be drawn fast or it can be imported from a DXF-file. The organisation plan can be filled with articles from the database. The legend is automatically generated on basis of the database-information. With the installation specifications of the database installation legend and energylists can be created very fast. Precise front-installation plans and intersections support the communication and price-requests with suppliers. By DXF- or by WinDelta®PMS-Pack-format the project information can be exchanged with other consulting offices or with suppliers. Directly out of the layout the calculation and the quotation can be generated. The quotation can be used with 3D-icons and with article-texts, that can be individualized for the specific project. For each article individual datasheets can be printed with modifiable text, position-no. and installation information. With the Docu-function the pricelist-pages for each position can be printed and added to the quotation.
Based on the layout the quotation for the client can be generrated, because the prices and article text are already underlayed in the article-database. The calculation can also be conducted with the prices inside the database. Thereby the time between plannung and quotation can be reduced ernomously and the time between plan/layout and quotation can be reduced singificantly. Finally order confirmations, invoices, delivery notes e.t.c. can be simulated with WinDelta®PMS.